
  • Brushing

    Brushing is the most effective method for removing harmful plaque from your teeth and gums. Getting the debris off your teeth and gums in a timely manner prevents bacteria in the food you eat from turning into harmful, cavity -causing acids.Most dentists agree that brushing three times a day is the minimum;

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  • Brushing

    Brushing is the most effective method for removing harmful plaque from your teeth and gums. Getting the debris off your teeth and gums in a timely manner prevents bacteria in the food you eat from turning into harmful, cavity causing acids. Most dentists agree that brushing three times a day is the

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  • Bulimia Nervosa

    People with eating disorders can suffer from oral health problems as well. This is because many of the behaviors associated with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa—such as binge eating, self-induced vomiting, and use of diuretics or laxatives—cause changes in the mouth.  For example, repeated

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  • Canker/Cold Sores

    People sometimes confuse canker sores and cold sores, but they are completely unrelated. Both can be painful, but knowing the differences can help you keep them in check. A canker sore is typically one that occurs on the delicate tissues inside your mouth. It is usually light-colored at its base and

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  • Cavities and Tooth Decay

    What Is Tooth Decay? Tooth decay is caused by a variety of things; in medical terms, cavities are called caries, which are caused by long-term destructive forces acting on tooth structures such as enamel and the tooth's inner dentin material. These destructive forces include frequent exposure to

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  • Cavity Prevention

    Saliva is your body's best mechanism for fighting the destructive forces of acids formed by plaque. Saliva acts as a buffer and remineralizing agent. Sugarless gum is one way to stimulate the flow of saliva in your mouth in between brushings.The best way to prevent cavities, however, is to brush and

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  • Choosing a Toothbrush

    Never before has there been such a dizzying array of toothbrushes on the market. Consumers are inundated with new designs, materials, attachments, and colors. Whatever toothbrush design you choose, the most important thing is that you use the toothbrush at least 2-3 times a day. Moreover, how long you

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  • Cracked Teeth

    Cracked teeth are typically caused by one of three things: an injury, undue pressure from grinding or clenching over a long period of time, or the breakdown of prior fillings that may break down and leak. In some cases, a cracked tooth may eventually split into two pieces, making it impossible to save

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